Western Heritage Beveren Breeders Speciality Club, A Beveren Rabbit Club Dedicated to Preserving and Promoting the Breeding of the Heritage Beveren Rabbit
Western Heritage Beveren Breeders Speciality Club is a Beveren Rabbit club covering the western states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Your membership is welcome and open to anyone wishing to promote Beverens.
We offer advertising for Beveren Rabbit Breeders and Rabbit Vendors & Supplies. And, Show Sanctions through WHBBSC are available and affordable.
Western Heritage Beveren Breeders Specialty Club preserves and promotes the breeding of the Heritage Beveren Rabbit in all 5 European recognized colors. We encourage the development of the Lilac and Brown varieties.
As a Beveren Rabbits Club, WHBBC advances and protects the interest of the public as well as those of the breeders by dissemination of authentic and reliable information concerning the breeds value for food, fur and show. We co-operate with other organizations in the promotion of beveren breeding in general.
WHBBSC encourages exhibition of the Beveren rabbit by putting all varieties before the public for their admiration and approval. We encourage the public to join us in our special and promising Beveren rabbit club.
The Beveren is a very old rabbit breed. Although uncommon in the United States, the Beveren has a rich European history, as the breed was first developed in Beveren, Belgium during the 19th century. The Beveren was derived from crosses of the Brabanconne, St. Nicolas Blue, and the Blue Vienna. In 1902, within Beveren, Belgium, the first standard was instituted for the “Blue Rabbit of Beveren” with the first exhibition of the Beveren Blue presented in Norwich, Great Britain during 1905. However, after its introduction into the United States, it was later recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association on December 3, 1925.
During the First World War, the “V” for victory remarkably the historic V-shaped ear carriage of the Beveren was developed. During this time, the Beveren acquired a great amount of popularity with the British. Later, in the early 1920s, the Beveren was raised for rabbit pelts. During this period, the white variety became the dominating variety used for pelts due to being easily dyed by furriers, even though the blue variety of the Beveren was even raised in Buckingham Palace in London before World War II. Through the lengthy development in the 20th century, British fanciers developed the blue, black, blue-eyed white, lilac, brown and pointed varieties. Read more about Beveren….
Visit Our Club Affiliations
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Beveren Rabbit Club
AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, INC., ARBA, is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy. With over 30,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, its members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial rabbit raiser with several hundred animals. Each aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry, whether it be for fancy, as a pet, or for commercial value, is encouraged by the organization.
The American Beveren Club is dedicated to promoting Beveren Rabbits, “The Breed of Distinction,” nationwide, and educating youth and rabbit breeders about the beautiful Beveren rabbit, its history and development, and assist breeders in expanding their genetics.